Rested Families

  • “I cannot thank Steph enough for not only teaching our babygirl but us as parents how to get good rest. Our babygirl was waking up every few hours every night and we were all struggling to manage our fulltime jobs and everything in between. Steph taught us so much of how to navigate daycare naps, how daytime sleep affects nighttime sleep, and how to help her self soothe. As a first time parent, i had no idea what i was doing! I so appreciate her guidance and being able to reach her any time during the day through text or email. Steph truly cares about her clients and 100% recommend!!!"

    — Mary, Eric and Elsie (5 months)

  • “Working with Steph has been one of the best decisions I have made. With her knowledge and advice, she set us up for nothing but success. I couldn’t believe after 3 nights, my 8 month old who would need to be nursed to sleep, as well as multiple times throughout the night, was doing it all on her own without any tears! The whole family is more rested and happier! Do not hesitate to reach out to Steph to help your family too! She’s truly amazing at what she does!"

    — Leslie, Zach and Makayla (8 months)

  • “Highly recommend Steph! She not only provides you with the framework and tools to complete the plan, but is there to continue to provide support, encouragement, and feedback along the way! We hit a couple roadblocks early only with our little one and without Steph’s feedback and encouragement to continue on… I might of folded back into bad habits. Our little one is now sleeping 12 hours a night, uninterrupted.. I never could of dreamed of that before! Thank you so much!"

    — Sarah, Dustin and Madison (9 months)

  • "We decided to do sleep consulting because our little man (almost seven months old) was eating every two hours and wanted to be in our arms all night long! With Stephanie's help he is now sleeping 11-12 hours at night, has transitioned to his own crib and is taking all star naps. Of course there are nights he still wants some snuggles which I still appreciate! :) I knew all the bad habits we had created, but did not have a plan to fix them. Her individualized plan, education and availability made it as easy as possible on all of us!"

    Nikki and Myles (7 months)

  • "I listened to all the podcasts, read a ton of books, found all the best advice, but I still couldn't get my son's sleep issues worked out on my own. Steph knew exactly what he needed and was able to give guidance throughout our time together. Now I have more structure to my day and the whole family has benefited. The toddler gets more attention during the day, the baby is more independent, my husband and I have the time and energy to give to each other in the evenings, and I am a much more patient and productive Mom. Everything is so much easier with a little more sleep."

    Haley, Andrew and Jonas (7 months)

  • "Investing in Steph for sleep training was a game changer for my young family. From the beginning Steph was prompt and thorough. I never felt pressured or uncomfortable - her education was top notch. She went above and beyond for me and my son and I can’t thank her enough! Most importantly, Steph made me feel heard as a Mom. She was there for me during my most sleep deprived days and provided unwavering support! Nothing feels better than catching up on some much needed sleep. I highly suggest Bedrocks, you won’t regret it!!!"

    Amy and Theo (5 months)

  • "I thought helping our baby sleep seemed like such a basic thing that we should be able to figure it out on our own. We had tried it on our own months prior to working with Steph and it didn’t go well… at all. I just thought this is the way it would be for the foreseeable future. I dreaded sickness and traveling to see family because it meant we would be sleeping in a chair or on the couch with a baby on our chest all night. Going into the consultation with Steph I still wasn’t sure if hiring a sleep coach is what we wanted to do or if it was right for us. The consultation was free and there was absolutely no pressure from Steph to hire her! But we did and we wish we wouldn’t have waited so long to do so! Thank you Steph for being so helpful, kind, no judgmental & gentle! We appreciate you!"

    Erin and Jack (14 months)

  • "Before sleep training, I was waking up multiple times a night to nurse my son back to sleep. Through working with Steph, I gained the skills, confidence, and accountability to help my son learn independent sleep skills. He quickly picked up on the sleep cues once we established a routine that works for us. I no longer worry about waking him with the transition into his crib or wonder when his first waking will be. He is now sleeping 11+ hours at night! We are all waking up feeling more rested and ready for the day!"

    Karley, Dan and Michael (8 months)

  • "Stephanie was amazing to work with ! She was professional, quick to respond to all of my messages/questions and so easy to work with. She provided me with the tools and support I needed to get my 9 month old daughter to put herself to sleep independently and stay sleeping through the night. I wish we would have started sooner. I highly recommend working with Stephanie."

    Jamie, Jake and Signe (9 months)

  • "Steph was amazing to work with. She tailored a plan to meet our exact needs. Before sleep coaching, we had a child who was a crying mess. He was nursed to sleep and woke 1-2 times overnight even though he didn't need a feed. Now he is enjoyable during bedtime routine and sleeps through the night! This took less than a week! He even waves goodbye and points to his sleep sack when he is ready to go in his crib. We are so grateful we did this. So much stress has been removed from our daily routine. "

    Sam, Tim and Luka (16 months)

  • "Steph was incredible to work with! She wrote up a customized sleep plan that worked for our family's wants/needs. Before working with Steph, our 9-month- old was being nursed to sleep, having 1-2 night wakings, and having very early mornings. Steph was there for support and trouble shooting every step of the way. Bedtime and naps are now a piece of cake! We can't thank her enough!'"

    Megan & Blair (9 months)

  • "We can’t say enough about Steph and her process. She helped us overcome some huge hurdles my 10 month old was facing in such a gentle and loving way, that also felt supportive to me as an emotional mom. From her daily communication, to brainstorming when those hurdles could not be adjusted, to all the information for the future as we were wrapping up, Steph was present and helpful from beginning to end. We cannot recommend her enough. We will miss her, but we now have all the tools we need to sleep well through the night!! YAY!!!!"

    Sheena, Kyle & Brighton (10 months)

  • STEPH IS, AMAZING. Before we hired her, our 10-month-old needed to be rocked to sleep for bedtime and naps. He would wake around the same time every night and would not go back to sleep unless we held him for the rest of the night. I was going crazy and felt like a zombie. I had previously tried the “cry it out” method but I had no idea what I was doing so that obviously failed every time. Now, we have a bedtime routine and I put him into bed wide awake for naps and bedtime. He puts HIMSELF to sleep! No rocking, no crying and he sleeps 11-12 hours all night. Steph was there for us the whole time with any questions or issues that came up and knew exactly how to handle them! Even through sickness and going camping, we still have a good sleeper. I now have freedom to do things I couldn’t before during the day and at night. Everyone sleeps well and is in a better mood because of it. I'm so glad we decided to invest in Steph to get my babe (and myself) the sleep we need!"

    Megan and Kade (10 months old)

  • "I was very apprehensive about sleep training but had been so exhausted and unable to get anything done that we decided to try it out. Having a specific, detailed plan from Stephanie, along with her support, advice, and encouragement, was key to our success! My 10-month-old was sleeping better on night two and only improved from there. I am so happy that I was able to work with Stephanie and would highly recommend her services to any parent or caregiver struggling with sleep! Thank you Steph!!"

    Lana & Miriam (10 months)

  • We have an 18 month old, and a newborn. I have always nursed our 18 month old to sleep and with a newborn that was no longer a good option for our family. In 10 days we went from nursing to sleep or laying in bed until he fell asleep, to saying goodnight and leaving the room. All with a loving and gentle approach that I felt comfortable with. Stephanie gave us hope and guidance as parents to help our son learn to find his own ways of getting to sleep. Coming from a person who was quite hesitant about sleep training, I would highly recommend Stephanie.

    Brigette & Cyrus (18 months)

  • "Steph is brilliant and I cannot thank her enough for the support she provided us with our little Cooper. As a family living abroad, we have felt really clueless and alone, constantly questioning everything we do. Having Steph's guidance and support for three weeks felt incredible and was just what we needed. She balances being firm with the plan while also being so understanding and kind. Her energy just felt right the entire time. I genuinely cannot thank her enough. We will miss her but I love that we will look back on these early years and her support is part of our story. Thank you Steph! Cooper will see you in his dreams!"

    Lindsey, Ed, and Cooper (22 months)

  • "My husband and I were overwhelmed by the inconsistency of our toddler's sleep. She had slept in a floor bed since she was 3 months old, and it worked great until she was about 15 months. She started needing more and more comfort from us to fall asleep and to stay in bed. It got to the point where she'd only sleep in the car for her naps, and bedtime was getting incredibly stressful. After working with Steph, our little girl walks over to her room holding my hand after her bath, waves and blows me kisses, and then falls asleep independently within a couple of minutes. NO CRYING!! Plus, we get even more quality time cuddling and connecting with her now that we're not so exhausted. We cannot thank you enough, Steph! You helped our family immensely!!

    Amelia, Jeremy and Rosie (17 months)

  • "Life changing! Stephanie gave us bespoke advice about our daughter's needs and provided us with a sleep plan that suited us perfectly. Within a few days the results were staggering and now 1 month later we are on a totally different trajectory, far far better than we ever were before this. From the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU Stephanie!"

    Alistair, Laura, and Chloe (22 months)

  • "If Fairy Godmothers existed, Steph would be one! For almost an entire year, my husband and I took turns sleeping in a chair in the living room with our daughter because that was the only way she would sleep. Sometimes she would be up for the day at 3am! We were exhausted! For naps, we had to rock her and hold her the whole time too. I found Steph on Instagram and knew I needed her help. In just two weeks of sleep coaching, our daughter is sleeping 12 hours through the night in her crib and she is also napping independently. Most importantly - there are no tears! I cannot thank Steph enough! Everyone’s mood and attitude is night and day difference!"

    Jess & Isla (11 months)

  • "Steph was an amazing coach! Partnering with her so that our whole family could get the sleep we needed was one of the best decisions we've made. She provided support and guidance that allowed me to feel safe and empowered. I am so grateful to have had her as part of our "village". 10/10, highly recommend!"

    Meredith, Spencer and Leonore (6 months)

  • “Stephanie is truly amazing at what she does. She worked with us to set up a personalized sleep plan for our two-year-old to help us get him to sleep through the night. Not only did she assist us in setting up and sticking to boundaries and expectations, she gave us the tools we needed to keep succeeding going forward. We went from sleeping like we had a newborn and waking up every 2 hours, to sleeping soundly throughout the entire night. Sleep is not a luxury, it’s a necessity and Stephanie gave us back our peace!!”

    Rachel, James & Kasson (2 years)

  • “After working with Steph, we now have a sleeping toddler; who has met all the goals we had set in place for him! We have noticed Atlas has had an improvement to his overall mood. He is also saying more words, being more playful, engaging in more solo play, and being more social. He has had such big moments in his development and we can credit all of this to sleeping better.We prayed for better sleep hygiene for our entire family, and we have that now. I really appreciated Steph’s patience, flexibility, and willingness to try different angles because it encouraged us to do the same.”

    Vanessa, Jocelyn and Atlas (16 months)

  • “Steph is wonderful to work with! I used to have some negative views of sleep training until I started following her on Instagram. She has such a great way of explaining what she does, the science behind it and the importance of it. My twin boys weren't sleeping horribly but things weren't necessarily great either. I kept saying to myself "things will get better next week”. Finally, I decided enough was enough and we hired Steph. I am so happy I did. My boys are now sleeping wonderfully, and I feel equipped to handle sleep challenges when they arise. I was not the mom I wanted to be when I wasn't getting good quality sleep. If you are on the fence, just do it.”

    Ruth, James, Blake & Bryce (8 months)

  • “We contacted Stephanie to help our 14-month-old son to sleep better at night. He was waking up multiple times throughout the night, co-sleeping and having irregular nap times. The very first night of Steph’s sleep plan, he slept 10 hours! After that, his nightly sleep times averaged between 10 - 12.5 hours per night with scheduled nap times during the day. When we needed advice on how to handle a nap transition or an early waking, Stephanie was available to consult with us and walk us through the next steps. If you need help with your little ones to sleep better at night, do not hesitate to contact Stephanie... you won't regret it. She's like magic!"

    Wendy, Sam & Owen

  • "Hiring Steph to help sleep train our 6 month old was one of the smartest decisions we have ever made as parents! She is knowledgeable, non-judgmental, encouraging, and is very passionate about helping families get better sleep! We were nervous to start sleep training at first, but Steph made us feel comfortable and confident through out the whole process. Our little guy caught on so quickly and we are so happy that we chose Steph to help us out! Now our son has learned valuable independent sleep skills that will help him through out his whole childhood. I would 100% recommend Steph to any tired parents out there! You won’t regret hiring her!"

    Tom, Ashton, & Owen (6 months)

  • "Steph's coaching was not what I wanted, but it was what I needed. By day 10 of working with Steph, my daughter was sleeping through the night. NO tears. NO crying. NO indication of stress or discomfort. Just a kiss good night, a sweet dreams wish, and an "it's time for sleep, I love you" and then she would fall asleep and sleep all night. It was magical. I could NOT believe it!! I don't think I would have believed it if I came from the future to tell myself that it was possible, but here I am on this end of things. I'm a new person! And my daughter is doing great, too.

    Serina, Jeremy & Rory (19 months)

  • "Steph was great to work with! Without her help and expertise, I know we’d still be struggling with our son’s sleep. Having a plan and routine to follow was key - we knew exactly what to do and how to respond to various scenarios (crying, awakenings, etc.). Steph was quick to respond to any questions and a great support during the entire process. We no longer dread bedtime…it’s actually enjoyable now! Plus, we’ve gained precious time in the evenings back that we can now spend with our 3 older daughters."

    Andrea, Jeremy & Jack (2 years old)