Sleep Solutions for Exhausted Parents

 With us, it’s all about gaining the rest you and your toddler need.

The crap naps, the bedtime battles, starting your day before the sun – check it all at the door.

You can’t doubt the magic that happens when your house regularly rocks long, restful nights.

Right around the corner are happier kiddos, thriving relationships, and evenings where you can actually chill instead of enduring a power struggle with a smaller version of yourself. You’re a person outside of your role as “Mom”, and she deserves to do something for her on the regular. We’re big believers in that, and mom guilt doesn’t have a place here.

 Sleep is a necessity, not a luxury. So let’s forget about hoping they outgrow it, and actually start sleeping!


  • “I don't dread bedtime anymore! I love my daughter, but we struggled so deeply with this part of our day. Gone are the feelings of "hoping" bedtime goes better, followed by disappointment, frustration and wondering what I'm doing wrong. Stephanie showed me narrative shifts that help uphold boundaries that are loving and easy for my toddler to comprehend. Steph is the perfect person to help you. My only regret is not doing it sooner.”

    Kelly and Lucy (age 3)

On the fence? Here’s how you know your family will benefit from sleep coaching…

  • You believe your toddler can learn to love sleep. Both of you just need a little guidance

  • Boundaries are something you value as a way of keeping your toddler on task. And you know that kiddos love the sense of security predictability creates.

  • You’re just plain over dreading bedtime, the sweet (but endless) stall tactics, and feeling like all you can do is throw your hands up and wait until they’re 7.

How will you get great sleep?

  • Ask Me Anything - $100

    A solid option for parents who want personalized guidance for their child’s sleep struggles. You’ll have a 45-minute phone call to ask a sleep consultant your infant sleep questions!

    This isn’t a substitute for real sleep support, but sometimes a call is the missing piece to your sleep puzzle.

    Not sure where to start? We’re often asked this:

    When and how to drop a nap

    Navigating sleep regressions

    Getting back to a good sleep after illness

    Preparing for daylight saving time

    Transitioning from cosleeping to crib or from crib to toddler bed

    Wondering why DIY sleep training isn’t working? We’ll do an audit to improve your process and results!

  • Bedrocks Toddler - $550

    18 months to 5 years

    Eliminating bedtime battles and their signature stall tactics. Calm the chaos and help your kiddo get the sleep they say they don’t need!

    ● Assessment of your sleep needs & goals

    ● Personalized Sleep Plan

    ● 60-minute Video Call to go over your plan

    ● App access to log sleep progress

    ● Expert eyes on your sleep log & daily support based on your inputs

    ● 3 weeks unlimited chat support to troubleshoot anything that comes up

    ● 3 30-minute support calls

    ● Wrap up package to ensure continued success after our time together

  • Just A Plan, Please! - $275

    18 months to 5 years

    A solid option for parents who want personalized guidance but are confident they can do it without ongoing support.

    ● Assessment of your sleep needs & goals

    ● Personalized Sleep Plan

    ● 60-minute Video Call to go over your plan


Stall tactics

Complete chaos at bedtime

Unwanted bed sharing

Wildly early mornings


Blissfully independent sleep

Knowing what the heck you’re doing

Confidently setting kind boundaries so everyone knows the drill

Happy, rested kiddos (and parents!)

Common Questions

  • Will there be tears?

    I won't lie, there will be a bit of crying. But it’s not the wild amount that you’re afraid of! Crying is your toddlers’ natural response to being met with a limit. Trust me when I say it passes very quickly, and your little one will love feeling well rested.

  • Is It Really Worth It?

    I’m sure you’ve tried the free advice before (I sure did!), but didn’t get the results you need. High touch, customized, knowledgeable support is what it takes to help your family succeed. Your mental & physical wellness is so worth it!

  • What About Attachment?

    The methods I teach are not the traumatic experience you’ve pictured. It’s all about building up your child’s confidence in a gradual and supportive way. My clients actually find their parent/child attachment improves because everyone is feeling fresh!



Just because you’re out of the little baby season, doesn’t mean sleep is a cinch!

You’re this close to calm bedtime routines, uninterrupted movie watching, and long nights of sleep. You in?