Sleep Solutions for Exhausted Parents


Want to get real rest, enjoy a little freedom, and love parenting again?

We’ve got you covered!

Trade hours of rocking and praying your bones don’t crack when you sneak out of the room, for hot meals, predictable routines, and an actual hot shower.

And listen…

You love your baby more than anything.

The sweet snuggles, tiny coos, and gummy grins can turn even the craziest day right around. But you can’t keep pretending that the lack of sleep hasn’t caught up to you. 

Getting the support you need, means stepping back into the things your sleep struggles put on hold. You’ll be the parent you always imagined you would be.

The sleep deprived shell of a human isn’t the real you. Let’s get her back!


  • “Stephanie was above and beyond what we expected. We were exhausted and decided to give sleep training a chance. It was LIFE CHANGING! Our baby is now sleeping 12 hours straight in her crib, and Steph helped us finally get the rest we needed. We wish we’d done it sooner!”

    — Alejandra & Bella (8 months old)

Sleep Coaching is your answer if…

  • There’s never enough coffee to keep you going

  •  You know consistency is the key to success

  • You’re focused on your long-term sleep goals

  •  You know your baby can learn to sleep independently in a supported way

How will you get great sleep?

  • Newborn Sleep Coaching - $200

    Birth to 12 weeks

    Establish safe and healthy sleep habits from the start. Feel confident and supported during the newborn stage.

    Receive a copy of the Bedrocks Newborn Sleep Guide (singleton or twin version)

    App access to log sleep and wake window calculations

    Four 30-minute support calls with newborn sleep specialist to answer your questions and provide guidance.

  • Bedrocks Baby - $450

    5 months - 17 months in a crib

    Lovingly teaching your babe to fall (and stay!) asleep without your constant presence. This means much needed rest for them, and free evenings for you!

    ● Assessment of your sleep needs & goals

    ● Personalized Sleep Plan

    ● 60-minute Video Call to go over your plan

    ● App access to log sleep progress and wake windows calculations

    ● Expert eyes on your sleep log & daily support based on your inputs

    ● 2 weeks unlimited chat support to troubleshoot anything that comes up

    ● 2 30-minute support calls

    ● Wrap up package to ensure continued success after our time together

  • Just a Plan, Please! - $250

    5 months - 17 months in a crib

    A solid option for parents who want personalized guidance, but are confident they can do it without ongoing support.

    ● Assessment of your sleep needs & goals

    ● Personalized Sleep Plan

    ● 60-minute Video Call to go over your plan

  • Ask Me Anything - $100

    A solid option for parents who want personalized guidance for their child’s sleep struggles. You’ll have a 45-minute phone call to ask a sleep consultant your infant sleep questions!

    This isn’t a substitute for real sleep support, but sometimes a call is the missing piece to your sleep puzzle.

    This is NOT quickie sleep training. It IS ideal for those smaller sleep issues such as;

    When and how to drop a nap

    Solving early wakings

    Navigating sleep regressions

    Getting back to a good sleep after illness

    Preparing for daylight saving time

    Age-appropriate night weaning

    Wondering why DIY sleep training isn’t working? We’ll do an audit to improve your process and results!

What would your life look like if…

You kissed survival mode goodbye, and felt like yourself again.

You enjoyed freedom to go out, knowing things were great at home. 

You felt confident handling different sleep hurdles.

You finally felt rested.

… You deserve it! And we’ll get you there.

Common Questions

  • Will there be tears?

    I won't lie, there will be a bit of crying. But it’s not the wild amount that you’re afraid of! Crying is the only way your baby can communicate, and they will likely protest this change temporarily. Trust me when I say it passes very quickly, and your little one will love feeling well rested

  • Is It Really Worth It?

    I’m sure you’ve tried the free advice before (I sure did!), but didn’t get the results you need. High touch, customized, knowledgeable support is what it takes to help your family succeed. Your mental & physical wellness is so worth it!

  • What About Attachment?

    The methods I teach are not the traumatic experience you’ve pictured. It’s about supporting your babe in learning how to put themselves to sleep. Most of my clients actually find their parent/child attachment improves because everyone is feeling fresh!